Thank you for visiting the Big Sky Country Photo Galleries. I hope you enjoy browsing through my photos and come visit again soon. New photos are added regularly.
Photos are organized by subject (landscapes, wildlife, etc.). If you want to see the latest photos organized by trip or event, open the "Recent Additions" gallery. You can also use a keyword Search.
If you want to see an individual photo larger, click on the thumbnail for that photo. While viewing the photo, mousing over the left edge of the photo will present additional options. To see a photo even larger, and with "the lights dimmed," click on it again. While the "lights are dimmed," you can advance to the next photo by using the page advance button on the far right side of the screen or go back to a previous photo by using the page back button on the far left. To exit the "dimmed lights" mode, click the gray X in the upper right corner.
Most of the photos displayed are available for purchase (some are for portfolio/viewing only). Prints (framed & unframed), stretched canvas, fotoflots, wall clings, and greeting cards are available.
To purchase a single photo, click the Buy button (shopping cart icon) in the upper right while viewing that photo. You can also select multiple photos for purchase by clicking the Select option on image thumbnails. Then, select your preferred options to configure your purchase (including size and frame options for prints).
More help is provided by video via the Help page.
© Katie LaSalle-Lowery