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Taken 7-Jul-11
16 of 33 photos

Packer Meadows 8

“the quawmash is now in blume
and from the colour of its bloom at
a short distance it resembles lakes
of fine clear water, so complete is
this deseption that on first sight I
could have swoarn it was water.”

So said Captain Meriwether Lewis, at what we now call Packer Meadows, on June 12, 1806. He also noted that "Musquetoes our old companions have become very troublesome."

L&C journal entries for June 12, 1806

Closeups of the blue camas wildflowers are in the wildflower gallery.

Categories & Keywords
Subcategory Detail:
Keywords:2011, camas, Camassia quamash, Elk Meadows Road, flower, Idaho, July, landscape, Packer Meadows, quamash, wild, wild flower, wildflower

Packer Meadows 8