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401 photos
Bear Photos

Big Sky Country is home to the Threatened (recently downgraded from Endangered) grizzly bear and to American black bears. Every encounter (from a safe distance, of course) with a bear is a treasured treat!

American black bears (Ursus americanus) range throughout North American. "Black" bear is a misnomer, as American black bears can be found in colors ranging from black, reddish, cinnamon, brown, and even white.

American black bears are omnivorous and make use of a wide variety of food sources including winter kill carcasses, elk calves, rodents, grass, roots, berries, insects, pine nuts, etc.

American black bears are typically smaller than grizzly bears, but have a proportionally larger rump (black bear big butt), proportionally taller ears, and a "Roman" profile. Black bears do not have a "genuine" shoulder hump, but some larger individuals, particularly is certain postures, can give the appearance of a shoulder hump.

Black bears are excellent climbers and black bears of all ages do climb trees both to seek food and to seek safety.

All photos in this gallery depict wild & free American black bears.

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Keywords:bear, bears, image, images, photo, photograph, photographs, photography, photos

An cinnamon / red colored black bear shredding a rotten log in search of insects.An cinnamon / red colored black bear shredding a rotten log in search of insects.An cinnamon / red colored black bear shredding a rotten log in search of insects.cinnamon red colored black bear with blonde highlighs on shoulderscinnamon red colored black bear with blonde highlighs on shoulderscinnamon red colored black bear with blonde highlighs on shoulderscinnamon red colored black bear with blonde highlighs on shoulderscinnamon red colored black bear with blonde highlighs on shoulderscinnamon red colored black bear with blonde highlighs on shoulderscinnamon red colored black bear with blonde highlighs on shouldersblack bear walking on a fallen logblack bear walking on a fallen logblack bear walking on a fallen logblack bear walking on a fallen loga black as ebony black bearblack bear feasting on huckleberriesblack bear feasting on huckleberriesblack bear eating green spring grassblack bear eating green spring grassblack bear eating green spring grass